We Are Not Bananas
Couple years ago, cult favorite sun screen brand Sun Bum came up with “banana suit challenge” internally to raise skin cancer awareness, by having their employees wear banana suits during May. This year, they came to us wanting to do a consumer facing skin cancer awareness campaign, with an odd catch: we MUST use banana suits.
We were trying to make sense of it all and half-jokingly presented an idea of covering the whole USA by dressing up a statue with banana suit in each state. It got bought. Now I’ve made a banana campaign that actually got some PR coverage. Life IS unpredictable.
Press: Adweek, Creativity Editor’s Pick, AdAge top 5 idea of the week, BizBash, PR Newswire, etc
Our statues and posters lead viewers to some less known facts about skin cancer.
No joke my friend. 50 statues in banana suits across ‘merica.